Tag Archives: power-routing turnouts


He emailed a wiring guy,

Thirty per hour ain’t high…

But when broke

Swim different strokes,

And effort yourself supply!

Maneuvering extruded foam

With track on it all alone…

All-in-all he’s glad

It wasn’t too bad,

Another prop came along.

Clearing his table of junk,

Meant a certain “spelunk”…

Places to put

Stuff that’s good,

The circular file got the junk!

Couldn’t find his “suitcase connectors”,

Instead of a soldering specter…

His iron’s too cool

To properly do,

work to pass the inspectors!

But first he’ll poke holes

Feeder wires to go below..

Not unsightly

When done rightly,

Like properly tailored clothes.

A power bus underneath–

A rod or wire to reach…

To reach all track

Sending current back,

A positive and negative each!

Some turnouts power-routing,

If working, eliminate shouting…

One engine stands still

So another will

Be running without both pouting.


–Jonathan Caswell